Osumia: Tieto 3 – Tietämisestä osaamiseen | Educational Impacts: From Knowledge to Competence
In the final part of The Knowledge Trilogy, a huge space ship travels [...]
Osumia: Tieto 2 – Mistä tietoa voi hakea? | Educational Impacts: Where to Find Knowledge?
The 2nd part of The Knowledge Trilogy. I used Canon 60D to record [...]
Osumia: Tieto 1 – Mitä on tieto? | Educational Impacts: Knowledge
A theoretical video about what knowledge is, set in medieval times. There was [...]
Osaamisen tunnistamisen askeleita | The Steps of Competence Based Learning
An educational video about a student finding out how competence based learning works. [...]
Ammatilliseksi opettajaksi pohjoisessa
A documentary about vocational teacher education in northern Finland. After about 9 months [...]
Amok Trailer
A trailer for the School of Vocational Teacher Education in Oulu University of [...]
Dimensions of Teaching | Opettamisen ulottuvuudet
A pedagogical video with some sci-fi elements. I did the edit in Premiere [...]
Video camera instructions Sony HDR-AX2000
This video instructs on basic usage of Sony HDR-AX2000 camera. The Contents: Start [...]
Oppimisen trilogia | The Trilogy of Learning
This was one of the first big projects for me. The video was [...]