This is an educational superhero video. Mr. Challenge (Herra Haaste) has devious plans. Career Counselling Man (Uraohjausmies) faces the Hedgehog Woman (Siilinainen). Is one career the only option? It was cool to have the [...]
By Tommi| 2021-04-02T11:27:52+00:00 December 13th, 2017|Categories: Videos, Work Videos|Tags: 2017, adobe, after effects, amok, career, counselling, daz3d, education, oamk, premiere pro, superhero, universe|
This is an educational superhero video. Mr. Challenge (Herra Haaste) has devious plans. Career Counselling Man (Uraohjausmies) faces the Hedgehog Woman (Siilinainen). Is one career the only option? It was cool to have the [...]
By Tommi| 2021-04-02T11:27:24+00:00 September 12th, 2017|Categories: Videos, Work Videos|Tags: 2017, adobe, career, cc, education, gh4, oamk, panasonic, premiere pro, school, Steadicam|
After a busy spring and summer it is now time for an update. Three big projects have finished and I'll be posting something about each of them. This first video talks about the importance [...]